Put some hip-hop in your high-tops
You found us – the hottest street and breakdance school in west London! We started out in 2011 with one teacher, two classes and a dozen kids. Today we’re a fifteen-strong team, running classes all day Saturday for 300 dancers aged 3 to 18.
Owner and Creative Director, Ruth Kestenbaum, has been teaching dance for more than 20 years, and all our teachers have over 10 years experience working in the industry and with young people.
At ESDA, we push the kids to be the best dancers they can be. A huge part of developing their talent involves performing in shows, public events and street dance exams.

A bucket-load of love and care
At the heart of ESDA is our family ethos – we’re all about building kids’ confidence and creating an environment where they feel really comfortable.
The kids look out for each other and we always give our newbies a massive welcome.
Even the shyest children soon make friends and feel part of it all.
We want every child to love coming to class, and they always do – check out the kind things parents say about us – here.